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  • QOMPLX helps companies solve the toughest challenges in cybersecurity, insurance underwriting, and finance. QOMPLX started in 2015 with the vision to harness complexity for everyone. After over 750K hours of engineering, we launched foundational capabilities ranging from data handling, analytics, and reporting to advanced algorithms, simulations, and machine learning to help companies see their world differently and in greater detail to solve their toughest challenges. Today, QOMPLX makes it faster and easier for organizations to integrate all of the disparate data sources across the enterprise into a unified analytics infrastructure to make better decisions. This broader analytics infrastructure is provided through QOMPLX:OS, an enterprise operating system that also powers QOMPLX’s decision platforms for cybersecurity, insurance underwriting, and quantitative finance.

    Why We Partner with the UCF® and the CCH®

    Partnering with Unified Compliance and the CCH allows our customers to gain insight into what coverage they have when it comes to specific security frameworks. Customers are able to choose the frameworks from an extensive list, deciding which are important to them, and map the controls into the rules created in Q:CYBER.

    Who We Serve

    We serve customers globally, while having offices in Reston, VA, Denver, CO, and London, UK

    Industries We Serve

    We serve all industries, since 96% of companies leverage active directory in their IT environment. To date we have focused on companies in finance, banking, insurance, and technology. We are moving into government, healthcare, and manufacturing.

    We have integrated the UCF as a module into our Identity Assurance product. Our customers are able to buy the Common Controls Hub from QOMPLX and then we will activate the module in their user interface.

    Key Features

    • Tag appropriate security controls from frameworks when creating rules.
    • See what security controls map to a specific rule.
    • Map out how much coverage you have for a specific framework.
    Find out more about Q:CYBER
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